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Last Updated:27/1/12 10:03

Currently in Sleet, town

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Sunday, October 31, 2010


hey guys now im going to show you the cheats in the Halloween

so here is what the hunt looks like:

so here is how to claim the prize:

1.first candy-its says "the hunt begins your on your way start where the starfish lay"

2.where does that look like?

3.second candy-its says "the next one is hidden out of sight overlooking a snowball fight

 4.where does that look like? (this is kinda hard without any clues so ill tell you where it is "the snow forts")

5.third candy-its says "to find the next hidden delight look far away near glowing light"

6.where does that look like?

7.its says "through monster costumes you must dig this one will make you flip your wig"

8.where does that look like?

9.fifth candy-it says"now try to find a cheesy scent then search for a spooky instrument"

10.where does that look like? says "you'll find the candy you adore where a ninja shadow was before

12.where does that look like? says "a witch has used this candy to improve the flavor of the brew"

14.where does that look like?

15.eighth candy-it says "the last ones hidden near a smile of the largest pumpkin on the isle

16.where does that look like?

then you get this rare background:

sorry there was not enough clues its because the prize is not valuable backgrounds are lame i was thinking they would give us a Halloween t-shirt or something better than my idea ya know

And the three movies "night of the living sled" is showing
one at the coffee house

another at the lounge room:

and the new one at the lighthouse:

its really rare to watch these two so better watch it now before its too late

oh yeah before i finish my post there are other things there in the halloween party because some of them are for member only and it would take too long to make this post so here is the pic:

TTYL-talk to you later in case you didn't know

Thursday, October 28, 2010


hey guys check it out i finally found out how to find gary here is the link

Gary Tracker

here is what his card looks like:

if you want to put this in your blog tell me ,its the only way to keep it a secret
besides i know who gary is hehe he is my friend in real life! but i never met him before in cp we are trying to find out how to meet each other in cp if you want to know who he is well 

too bad!!! LOSERS!
but at least you can see him in cp

thank you chrisdog93!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

golden feather pin-still out-only mean one thing

the secret of the bamboo forest is still here!!!

you definitely know where that is so no clues! sorry guys

TTYL gee's

new bat pin!

hey guys there is now a new pin its a bat pin

hmm where does that look like that is what you have to think about (come on its pretty obvious)

clue 1:look at that log where in club penguin can one look like that
clue 2:when you see the epf phone you think it will be at the end

talk to you later-TTYL-hehe

Friday, October 22, 2010

glitch galore! awesome!!!

hey guys i was checking out my clothes but then the catalog got mixed up here check it out

here is how to do it:click your player card then click the down button as fast as you can then there

cool huh!

here are other glitches:

1.the floor in your igloo does not appear it tells you to clear your cache

2.member igloo stuff is missing\

3.your clothes wont dance with you
here is how to do it: first dance then change you clothes then there your clothes wont dance with you

4.your penguin will load first before other penguins will appear

thanks mimo777 for the info in his blog

Saturday, October 16, 2010

mimo's new album

hey guys my idol mimo has a new album out here is what it looks like

pretty cool huh! some of you guys may know this already
if you havent saw the actual post
copy and paste this here:

sorry guys i havent been writing stuff i was running out of stuff anyway i forgot to write which server i would be for my how to find calvin9999

so ill keep on writing stuff as much as i can

see ya gee!

Monday, October 4, 2010

sorry i was busy

sorry guys i was so busy
i will still be posting but its because im having trouble with the connection so i cant play club penguin to picture the stuff and school started already so im having trouble checking my blog everytime because i have to do my homework and prepare for school so sorry!

pls keep on reading my stuff soon!

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