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Ice Warriors News!

Last Updated:27/1/12 10:03

Currently in Sleet, town

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Remember I live in AUS so the is different from yours, for USA your times are 16-19 hours late.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Field op 24

hey guys there is now a new field op:

1.Go to the VR room

 2.Click engage now have the 24th medal

 Also you now have the new gear (comm):

saweet huh!
like i said before the EPF is getting ready for a certain polar bear




New Stamps!

hey guys there are new stamps:

even they gave new stamps for card-jitsu fire and the origin card-jitsu


Water Ninjas Side By Side With Fire Ninjas

Hey did you know that Fire Ninjas and Water Ninjas are doing they're special moves
actually i have a picture from club penguin:

well it doesn't look like it but anyway i already copied and pasted this picture
also i found a cool new wallpaper its sick:

If you want the wallpaper so badly go to this website

For 1280-768:

For 1280-1024:

i cant even put this in my blog they said the wallpaper is too big
but anyway fire ninjas and water ninjas like to get together and show they're moves

TTYL-talk to ya later

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Card-Jitsu Power Card

Hey guys remember the time we had to choose a card for card-jitsu
Club Penguin has given a sneak peak of the new card:

cool huh!


Space Adventure Planet "Y"

hey guys there is a new play in the stage the other day:

sadly there is no cheats in the catalog


Finally, Storm is gone!

hey storm is finally gone:

so no more storm
this is really expected


New free item and Water Scavenger Hunt!

hello peeps new scavenger hunt and a new free item

Free Item:
the new item is a bucket hat
BTW mimo777 is actually wrong non-members can get this too (im a non-member)

Water Scavenger Hunt:

so the scavenger hunt looks like this:

1.The hunt is on,so scour the land,Begin your search at a food stand

2.It's in the stadium

3.Next find a shop you might snack,Look closely to a java sack

4.It's in the coffee shop

5.If the next clue is what you wish,Look for a bowl with a golden fish.

6.Its in the puffle shop

7.Now search for this on friendly surf,It's inside a place you go to surf.

8.It's at the cove

9.To find this one go take look,In a place you go to read a book.

10.It's at the book room

11.To find this glass,here's some advice.Search the place that has Thin Ice.

 12.It's at the dance lounge

13.Dont let this one give you the slip,Look near a place you'd land a ship.

14.Its in the beach

15.For the final one you must prepare,To find a fish that's in the air

16.Its at the dojo

17.Now you have all of the water items! accept the special background

look at my new look!!!

cool huh!


New Newspaper!

hey guys there is a new newspaper

do you like it? No? but at least it saves paper
have fun reading!


Field op 23

new field op is here!

1.go to the everyday phoning facility
2.go to the near the TV

then you have your twenty-third medal



hey guys everyone wants to find sensei
so here is the link:

Sensei Tracker

Sensei is mostly seen in these servers:Mammoth,Blizzard and Frozen and is found in these rooms:Dojo,Dojo courtyard,ninja hideout and party rooms
he is in servers every 15 minutes

TTYL- talk to ya later

PS.good luck finding sensei


Yo wats up gee
so every one know card-jitsu is coming
here is actual proof:

so get ready for card-jitsu water so get your ninja mask,ninja suit and your cards
also you dont need to be a card-jitsu fire ninja to be a card-jitsu water ninja
in order to get your water suit get a ninja mask first
they are now building the card-jitsu water stadium:

and to help by building the card-jitsu water stadium:

throw snowballs in these containers everywhere:

and if you throw snowballs into one of those things at the top it goes into the water tower and goes into the hole in the ninja hideout:

and in the dojo courtyard has the video in here:

and you can go around the hidden lake and everywhere underground:

there is a new pin!:

to have the newest pin in club penguin
1.go to the iceberg
2.go to the card-jitsu water sign


Saturday, November 13, 2010

New EPF Gear!

WARNING:the following messages are for agents only be an EPF agent first

hey guys do you remember the latest EPF gear?
it was the tactical gear
now there is the newest gear its called comm gear

so get ready for another gear collect enough medals to get the next group of gear
club penguin are saying that EPF are preparing for a certain polar bear (you exactly know that is he is coming back real soon)
So what do you think is in store? but a comment below for some theories


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