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Last Updated:27/1/12 10:03

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

New free item and Water Scavenger Hunt!

hello peeps new scavenger hunt and a new free item

Free Item:
the new item is a bucket hat
BTW mimo777 is actually wrong non-members can get this too (im a non-member)

Water Scavenger Hunt:

so the scavenger hunt looks like this:

1.The hunt is on,so scour the land,Begin your search at a food stand

2.It's in the stadium

3.Next find a shop you might snack,Look closely to a java sack

4.It's in the coffee shop

5.If the next clue is what you wish,Look for a bowl with a golden fish.

6.Its in the puffle shop

7.Now search for this on friendly surf,It's inside a place you go to surf.

8.It's at the cove

9.To find this one go take look,In a place you go to read a book.

10.It's at the book room

11.To find this glass,here's some advice.Search the place that has Thin Ice.

 12.It's at the dance lounge

13.Dont let this one give you the slip,Look near a place you'd land a ship.

14.Its in the beach

15.For the final one you must prepare,To find a fish that's in the air

16.Its at the dojo

17.Now you have all of the water items! accept the special background

look at my new look!!!

cool huh!


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