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Monday, April 18, 2011

Games Talk!:Professor Layton and the Curious Village


Today i will talk about Professor Layton and the Curious Village.
If you played this game before then you know how this goes, All you do is solve puzzles and finish the game. In order to finish the game you must find the treasure of the Reinhold fortune, the Golden Apple and defeat the evil Don Paolo.

Let's start by stating what will happen at the start and at the end:

1st Chapter:

You will have to solve the first puzzle. The answer is trace the road on the right and circle the only town on the road.Then you have to solve puzzles after that. Your now on your first mystery.

2nd Chapter:

Lady Dahlia's cat escaped! Search St Mystere for the runaway feline. You are now on your 2nd, 3rd and 4th mystery.

3rd Chapter:

Comb St Mystere for clues about Ramon's disappearance. You are now on your 5th and 6th mystery

4th Chapter:

It's turned dark, and Ramon still hasn't returned.Continue the Investigation to find clues. You are now on your 7th mystery.

5th Chapter:

It's finally time to start the search for the Golden Apple! Explore St. Mystere for clues.You are now on your 8th and 9th mystery.

6th Chapter:

Search the village for a path to the tower.

7th Chapter:

Does the park hold the way to the tower? Search the park grounds to find out. You are now on your 10th mystery.

8th Chapter:

Someone's been Obstructing the Investigation. Find the troublemaker and continue work on the case. You solved the 9th mystery.

9th Chapter:

A path to the tower has been found. Scale the tower and solve all the mysteries of St Mystere. You now have solved all the mysteries.

Then you finish the game.
Next week i will talk about Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.
See ya next Wednesday (even though today is Monday)

TTYL-Talk To Ya Later

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